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PIC 18F452 - DIP40
DC Motor 3-6V
471 pF Ceramic capacitor ±10%
BC141-1A 60V npn-To39 Transistor
XBee Zigbee Wireless Transport Shield
The Arduino Xbee Shield Wireless Module allows an Arduino USB board to communicate wirelessly using a Zigbee Xbee wireless module. It is based on the Xbee module from MaxStream.
L293B Motor Driver - DIP16
A4988 StepStick Stepper Motor Driver
5 Channel Infrared Detection Tracing Photoelectric Sensor
6 Pin ON OFF Switch - Blue (8x8mm)
U-beam steering gear mounting bracket
5.6 Ohm - 1/4W Carbon Flim Resistor
Keyestudio ACS712-20A Current Sensor Module for Aduino
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