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AS608 Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Optical Fingerprint Fingerprint Module

AS608 Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Optical Fingerprint Fingerprint Module


AS608 Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module Optical Fingerprint Fingerprint Module

1 product available




Click on the following link for product video demo presentation. https://youtu.be/UyQOJyIQozo   

Fingerprint Sensor JM-101B AS608 FPM10A Socket Header Cable   

Secure your project with biometrics - this all-in-one optical fingerprint sensor will make adding fingerprint detection and verification super simple. It's easy to use and more affordable than ever!   

These modules are typically used in safes - there's a high powered DSP chip that does the image rendering, calculation, feature-finding, and searching. Connect to any microcontroller or system with TTL serial, and send packets of data to take photos, detect prints, hash, and search.    

It comes with an 8-pin 1mm pitch connector with 0.1" header sockets for plug-and-play with a breadboard or dev kit. You can also easily cut off and solder directly to the wires. The cable is color-coded so it's easy to wire up:   

Red is 3.3V power   
Yellow is TTL Serial TX   
White is TTL Serial RX   
Black is Ground   

JM-101 fingerprint module is an integrated fingerprint processing module that integrates optical path and fingerprint processing part. It has the characteristics of small size, low power consumption, simple interface, high reliability, fast recognition speed, good adaptability to wet and dry fingers, and fingerprint search. high speed.   
       The communication interface of JM-101 module is USB and UART.   
Three working principle   
 1. Fingerprint features   
The features extracted by the fingerprint algorithm from the acquired fingerprint image represent the information of the fingerprint. The storage, comparison and search of fingerprints are all done by manipulating fingerprint features.   
2. Fingerprint processing includes two processes: fingerprint login process and fingerprint matching process [wherein fingerprint matching is divided into two ways: fingerprint comparison (1:1) and fingerprint search (1:N)].   
       During fingerprint registration, each fingerprint is entered twice, the images entered twice are processed, and the synthesized template is stored in the module.   
       When the fingerprint is matched, the fingerprint image to be verified is entered through the fingerprint sensor and processed, and then matched and compared with the fingerprint template in the module (if it matches with a template specified in the module, it is called the fingerprint comparison method, that is, 1:1 mode; if it matches with multiple templates, it is called fingerprint search mode, that is, 1:N mode), and the module gives the matching result (pass or fail).   

Three technical parameters   
Supply voltage: DC 3.3V   
Supply current: Working current: <60mA   
Peak current: <60mA   
Fingerprint image entry time: <1.0 seconds   
Window area: 15.3? 18.2 mm   
Resolution: 500dpi   

Arduino library: https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library   
Video toturial: https://youtu.be/1diFaa5OsFg

How to get started with AS608 Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module

Fingerprint reader module made the fingerprint recognition more accessible and easy to add into your project.These modules come with FLASH memory to store the fingerprints and work with any microcontroller. These modules can be added to security systems, door locks, time attendance systems, and much more.

Hardware required

  • Arduino UNO
  • AS608 Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module

Hardware connection:

AS608 Fingerprint Reader Sensor Module PinOut

  • Red is 3.3V power
  • Black is TTL Serial TX
  • Yellow is TTL Serial RX
  • Green is Ground

Module via a serial communication interface, directly with 3.3V  power microcontroller communication: Module data transmission feet (2 Foot TD) connected to the data bit machine receiving end (RXD), data receiver module feet (3 feet RD) connected to the data sender bit machine (TXD).

Fingerprint Sensor


VCC5V (it also works with 3.3V)
TXsoftware serial D2
RXsoftware serial D3

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