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Introducing the Arduino UNO R4 Minima! This board boasts the RA4M1 microprocessor from Renesas, delivering increased processing power, expanded memory, and additional peripherals. And the best part? It stays true to the reliable UNO form factor and operates at a practical 5 V voltage. Brace yourself for an upgrade like no other with the Arduino UNO R4 Minima!  



Snap, snap! The Camera v2 is the new official camera board released by the Raspberry Pi Foundation!

The Raspberry Pi Camera Board v2 is a high quality 8 megapixel Sony IMX219 image sensor custom designed add-on board for Raspberry Pi, featuring a fixed focus lens. It's capable of 3280 x 2464 pixel static images, and also supports 1080p30, 720p60, and 640x480p90 video.

It attaches to the Pi by way of one of the small sockets on the board's upper surface and uses the dedicated CSi interface, designed especially for interfacing to cameras.

We also carry the original Camera Board which is 5 megapixels!

And we also have the new 8 megapixel version of the popular Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera Board!

The upgraded Raspberry Pi Camera board v2 features: 

  • Improved Resolution
    • 8 megapixel native resolution high quality Sony IMX219 image sensor
    • Cameras are capable of 3280 x 2464 pixel static images
  • Remaining High Quality
    • Capture video at 1080p30, 720p60 and 640x480p90 resolutions
    • All software is supported within the latest version of Raspbian Operating System
    • 1.12 µm X 1.12 µm pixel with OmniBSI technology for high performance (high sensitivity, low crosstalk, low noise)
    • Optical size of 1/4"



The long awaited BME680 from Bosch gives you all the environmental sensing you want in one small package. This little sensor contains temperaturehumiditybarometric pressure, and VOC gas sensing capabilities. All over SPI or I2C at a great price!

Like the BME280 & BMP280, this precision sensor from Bosch can measure humidity with ±3% accuracy, barometric pressure with ±1 hPa absolute accuracy, and temperature with ±1.0°C accuracy. Because pressure changes with altitude, and the pressure measurements are so good, you can also use it as an altimeter with  ±1 meter or better accuracy!

The BME680 takes those sensors to the next step in that it contains a small MOX sensor. The heated metal oxide changes resistance based on the volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the air, so it can be used to detect gasses & alcohols such as Ethanol, Alcohol and Carbon Monoxide, and perform air quality measurements. Note it will give you one resistance value, with overall VOC content, but it cannot differentiate gasses or alcohols.

Please note this sensor, like all VOC/gas sensors, has variability and to get precise measurements you will want to calibrate it against known sources! That said, for general environmental sensors, it will give you a good idea of trends and comparisons. We recommend that you run this sensor for 48 hours when you first receive it to "burn it in", and then 30 minutes in the desired mode every time the sensor is in use. This is because the sensitivity levels of the sensor will change during early use, and the resistance will slowly rise over time as the MOX warms up to its baseline reading.



Is your house haunted? Or, rather, are you convinced that your house is haunted but have never been able to prove it since you've never had a camera that integrated with your raspberry pi but was still small enough that the ghosts wouldn't notice it?

Luckily, the Spy Camera for Raspberry Pi is smaller than a thumbnail with a high enough resolution to see people, or ghosts, or whatever it is you're looking for. It's about the size of a cell phone camera - the module being just 8.5mm x 11.3mm - and has a stick-on back so it's easy to mount in a doorbell or behind a teddy bear's eye (might as well be creative!)

The camera comes with a 289mm (11.4") long cable so you can extend and mount your Pi away from the camera.  it attaches to your Raspberry Pi by way of one of the two small sockets on the board upper surface. This interface uses the dedicated CSI interface, which was designed especially for interfacing to cameras. The CSI bus is capable of extremely high data rates, and it exclusively carries pixel data. The Raspberry Pi NOT INCLUDED

The camera is connected to the BCM2835 processor on the Pi via the CSI bus, a higher bandwidth link which carries pixel data from the camera back to the processor. This bus travels along the ribbon cable that attaches the camera board to the Pi. The ribbon cables is not compatible with the Pi Zero and we do not have an adapter, check out the 'classic' Raspberry Pi cameras for Pi Zero use

The sensor itself has a native resolution of 5 megapixel, and has a fixed focus lens onboard. In terms of still images, the camera is capable of 2592 x 1944 pixel static images, and also supports 1080p30, 720p60 and 640x480p60/90 video.


ACEBOTT QD001 ESP32 Smart Car Starter Kit with 4WD Mecanum Wheel Car


ACEBOTT QE031 Smart Factory Education Kit  Level 1 3 in 1 kit


3590S 100K Precision Multi turn Adjustable Potentiometer


Mini Wind Generator, Vertical Wind Turbine Generator, Small Motor Wind Electricity (dynamo generator motor)