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XBee Zigbee Wireless Transport Shield

XBee Zigbee Wireless Transport Shield


XBee Zigbee Wireless Transport Shield

The Arduino Xbee Shield Wireless Module allows an Arduino USB board to communicate wirelessly using a Zigbee Xbee wireless module. It is based on the Xbee module from MaxStream.  

14 products available



  • SKU: 350022
  • Category: Xbee

The Arduino Xbee Shield Wireless Module allows an Arduino USB board to communicate wirelessly using a Zigbee Xbee wireless module. It is based on the Xbee module from MaxStream. The module can communicate up to 100 feet indoors or 300 feet outdoors (with line-of-sight). It can be used as a serial/usb replacement or you can put it into a command mode and configure it for a variety of broadcast and mesh networking options.

The shields breaks out each of the XBee's pins to a through-hole solder pad. It also provides female pin headers for use of digital pins 2 to 7 and the analog inputs, which are covered by the shield (digital pins 8 to 13 are not obstructed by the shield, so you can use the headers on the board itself). The Xbee shield was created in collaboration with Libelium, who developed it for use in their SquidBee motes (used for creating sensor networks).

Note: For wireless communication, a second RF module is required.

* Series 2 is NOT compatible with Series 1



 *Support Any XBee module will work with the shield.
 *XBee-PRO modules work in the ISM 2.4 GHz frequency
 *The MaxStream's XBee (1 mW) Zigbee module is pin-
 *The provision of critical data between devices reliable
 *Low power consumption
 *Pack Size:6cm x 6.2cm x 2cm

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