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Drone Quadcopter 450 Aircraft Kit

Drone Quadcopter 450 Aircraft Kit


Pixhawk PX4 PIX 2.4.8 32 Bit Flight Controller Flysky i6 F450 drone Quadcopter Rack M8N GPS 2212 920kv Motor 

with out battery 


1 product available



  • SKU: 351815
  • Category: DRONE
F450 Multi-Copter Quadcopter  



Built from quality glass fiber and polyamide nylon.  
Integrated PCB connections for direct soldering of your ESCs  
Pre-threaded brass sleeves for all of the frame bolts.  
Colored arms for orientation to keep you flying in the right direction.  
Large mounting tabs on main frame bottom plate for easy camera mounting.  
Easy assembly. 


Width: 450mm  
Height: 55mm  
Weight: 280g (w/out electronics)  
Motor Mount Bolt Holes: 16/19mm 

Wheelbase: 17.7in/450mm 


Made by advanced engineering material,super strong & smooth 

Kit(need you assemble yourself) 

100% Brand new 

Pixhawk PX4 Autopilot PIX 2.4.8 32 Bit Flight Controller  
1. The advanced 32-bit ARM CortexM4 high-performance processors, can run NuttX RTOS real-time operating system; 
2. 14 PWM / servo output; 
3. Bus interface (UART, I2C, SPI, CAN); 
4. The integrated backup power and backup controller fails, the primary controller fails over to the backup control is safe; 
5. Provide automatic and manual modes; 
6. Provide redundant power input and failover; 
7. Multicolor LED lights; 
8. Provide multi-tone buzzer Interface 
9. Micro SD recording flight data; 
1.32 2 MB flash STM32F427 Cortex M4, with hardware floating-point processing unit 
2. frequency: 168MHZ, 256K RAM 
3.32 STM32F103 backup coprocessor 
1.L3GD20 3-axis digital gyroscope 16 
2.LSM303D 3-axis accelerometer 14 / Magnetometer 
3.MPU6000 6-axis accelerometer / magnetometer 
4.MS5611 precision barometer 
1 .5 high voltage compatible UART 1, 2 with hardware flow control 
2. 2 CAN 
3.Spektrum DSM / DSM2 / DSM-X satellite receiver compatible input 
4.Futaba SBUS compatible inputs and outputs 
5.PPM Signal Input 
6.RSSI (PWM or voltage) Input 
9.3.3 and 6.6VADC input 
10. External MICRO USB Interface 

2212 920kv Motor  

- Type : 22 x 12mm 
- KV: 920rpm/V 
- Voltage: DC 7-12V 
- Weight: 53g 
ESC Specs: 
Cont. current: 30A 
Max. current: 35A 
Input Voltage: 2-4S lipo / 4-12 cell Ni-MH/Ni-Cd 
BEC: 5V 2A (Linear mode) 
Size: 55x26x8mm (length 145mm including power cable) 
Weight: ~24g 
NOTE:Before connect with the computer, you need to insert the SD card first , then flash the program, otherwise the LED indicator will not light up.  
Please make sure you read these wikis and videos before you use.  


Package lsist:
Flysky i6 remote control x 1 
F450 frame kit(unassmebled,arm colors random) 
Pixhawk 2.4.8  32bit ARM Flight Controller or Radiolink Pixhawk or NAZA m lite x 1 
anti-vibration Shock Absorber Board X1  
2212 920kv motor x 4(color random) 
Runcam strap x 1 
30A esc x 4   
Safety button x 1 
Buzzer x 1 
PPM without shell x1 
M8N GPS w/ holder or SE100 GPS x 1 (color random,according to warehouse, the gps connector will post to you at random,you have to adjust it  by yourself ,if you signed a gps with APM connector ) 
Micro SD Adapter  x1 
I2C Splitter Expand Module x1 
Power Module x 1 
9450 propeller x 2 pairs  color random 

RGB(without shell )X1   


note: component little different than picture component list  

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