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ESP8266 ESP-02 Remote Serial Port WIFI Transceiver Wireless Module AP+STA

ESP8266 ESP-02 Remote Serial Port WIFI Transceiver Wireless Module AP+STA


ESP8266 ESP-02 Remote Serial Port WIFI Transceiver Wireless Module AP+STA

1 product available



  • SKU: 350355
  • Category: Wifi

ESP-02: SMD package for submission limit, the antenna can be used IPX end leading housing
1. Support 802.11 B/G/N
2. Communication range up to 100 yards depending on environment.
3. Standard 3.3VDC operation with 5V compatible I/O.
4. Standard 3 wire (TXD/RXD/GND) serial communication (idle high) at 115200/8/N/1.
5. Standard 0.1" (2.54mm) half through hole.
6. Upgradeable firmware.
7. Three mode of operations: Client/Access Point/Both Client and Access Point.
8. Support all major security schemes: OPEN/WEP/WPA_PSK/WPA2_PSK/WPA_WPA2_PSK.
9. Support both TCP and UDP communication.
10. Working as TCP/UPD server supports up to five (5) connections.
11. Working as station can connect up to 5 TCP/UPD servers. The ESP-02 can connect to all standard non-SSL websites in the world.
12. Simple AT commands for all operations.
13. Connection based data reception or transparent data reception.
14. Programmable client connection inactivity timeout.
15. Automatic domain name address resolution for public domain name but not the local name within the local area network (router).
16. Detailed English user manual in PDF format and will be upon purchasing via email.
1. GND - ground
2. UTXD - serial transmit (idle high)
3. URXD - serial receive (idle high)
4. VCC - 3.3VDC
5. CH_PD - must pull high or just connect to VCC
6. RST - must pull high or just connect to VCC
7. GPIO0 - must pull high or just connect to VCC
8. GPIO2 - must pull high or just connect to VCC

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