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Bluetooth module - HC-05

Bluetooth module - HC-05

SIM900 Module GSM GPRS Shield expansion board wireless module Function more than TC35i for Arduino

SIM900 Module GSM GPRS Shield expansion board wireless module Function more than TC35i for Arduino

You can add GSM/ GPRS connection feature to your Arduino projects with GPRS Shield. You can use functions as dialing number and sending SMS easily with AT commands. To communicate between module and Arduino you can use Arduino's hardware serial port or software serial port which can be defined by Software Serial library.  

RC522 RFID Module with IC Card

RC522 RFID Module with IC Card

NodeMcu Lua WIFI Board Based on ESP8266 CP2102

NodeMcu Lua WIFI Board Based on ESP8266 CP2102

433Mhz RF transmitter and Receiver module

433Mhz RF transmitter and Receiver module

ESP8266 ESP-02 Remote Serial Port WIFI Transceiver Wireless Module AP+STA

ESP8266 ESP-02 Remote Serial Port WIFI Transceiver Wireless Module AP+STA

USB XBee Adapter

USB XBee Adapter