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3590S 100K Precision Multi turn Adjustable Potentiometer
1/2W 1% (1.2Ω- 1MΩ) Metal film Resistors Kit 50 values each 10 pcs total 500 Resistors
CD4050 Non-Inverting Buffer IC
33nf 50v ceramic capacitor
33000pF / 33nF / 0.033uF 50 Volts Ceramic Disc Capacitor
irf9540 p channel power mosfet
irf510 n channel 100v power mosfet
1n34a germanium diode
68mm 300mA Ceramic Hard LED Filament DIY Bulb Lamp Beads LED
1800k, 2200k, 2400k, 2700k, 6500k
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